May 3, 2024 | Posted in Church News, OAKNOTES Newsletters

Dear Friends,

Years ago, our daughter decided to attend a college 565.8 miles from home, in Greenville, Illinois. When we dropped her off in August of 2007, we knew she would not be home again until Thanksgiving. When we picked her up at the airport in mid-November it was a grand reunion. She talked all the way home, sharing stories and bubbling with excitement. As we walked up the steps from our basement carrying luggage, my daughter froze three steps from the top. In the three months since she’d been gone, we had purchased a new kitchen table. She pointed at it and said, “What is that?!” When we explained that it was, obviously, a new kitchen table she said, “You shouldn’t be making changes like that without asking me!”

Read the rest of Pastor Tim’s letter concerning changes in our lives and the rest of the May 2024 OAKNOTES.

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