A Vision To Unite Us

The Merger Committee has evolved and now shares a vision that a merged Oakmont Presbyterian Church will more greatly glorify God and bring great new blessings to his people.

We envision new opportunities for our children and young people made possible by united resources and increased participation. We see diverse youth groups meeting different interests, a full time youth leader, perhaps a youth musical, a magnet Sunday School with strong attendance. Only a lively program that imaginatively motivates our young people will assure a meaningful present and an assured future.

We envision a church with sufficient dedicated members to effectively demonstrate a caring, responsive ministry for the elderly that constitute a large portion of our joint membership. Two ministers can better assure visitation to the sick and shut-ins. There are transportation needs, social needs, as well as spiritual. The elderly must count on us; the new Oakmont Presbyterian Church must be there.

For all members — married, singles, new members, women, men, we must demonstrate what a caring creative church of some size is able to respond. To do the job, we must carefully develop lay Christian leadership, as well as identify, empower and develop the spiritual gifts of our members. We will be in a position to encourage service and Christian fellowship. Retreats, work camps, evangelism outings are now more easily possible.

We envision a truly active outreach mission to our local community and to world-wide missions. A new enlarged church will have justifiable confidence to undertake both simple and complex tasks. We will be in a position to regularly make our healing presence known in the community as major and individual needs develop. It would be both good and wise to sponsor events that non-member community residents are invited to attend and begin a relationship with them. We could sponsor a foreign family or sister congregation.

Together, the members of the new Oakmont Presbyterian Church will determine the exact opportunities to pursue. It is clear to all members of the Merger Committee that a vital, new, enlarged congregation of Presbyterians in Oakmont can mark the anointment of a major spiritual re-awakening, and allow a rich, enlarged ministry for all of us. With restructured resources and a refreshing rededication by His newly unified people, the Lord’s work can truly flourish here. After prayerful consideration, we urge adoption of the proposed merger and the acceptance of a greater church vision to the Glory of God.

From the Merger Study Committee of the
First United and Riverside Presbyterian Churches